Worm Composting 101


Worm farming, also known as vermicomposting, is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to recycle food scraps and organic waste. By using worms to break down this material, nutrient-rich compost is produced, which can then be used to fertilize gardens and enrich soil.

To start your own worm farm, you’ll need a bin or container with proper ventilation, bedding material such as shredded newspaper or cardboard, and of course, the star inhabitants: the worms. Red wiggler worms are commonly used for vermicomposting. It’s important to maintain the right moisture and temperature levels for the worms to thrive.

Regularly adding food scraps like fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, and eggshells will keep the worms fed and the composting process going. Avoid adding meat, dairy, oily foods, and citrus fruits, as these can attract pests and create an imbalance in the worm bin.

With proper care and attention, a worm farm can be a valuable addition to any eco-conscious household, reducing waste and producing nutritious compost for plants.
